
Lunar eclipse has special significance in Sanatan Dharma. During this period, the effect of Rahu and Ketu on the earth increases. The last lunar eclipse of the year is on 18 September (Chandra Grahan 2024 Date). Auspicious and auspicious works are not done during lunar eclipse (Grahan Kab Lagega). It is believed that by doing these works, the seeker does not get auspicious results. Also, it has an adverse effect on physical and mental health, due to which one has to face many problems in life. Such problems can be overcome by these measures.


remedies for lunar eclipse

  • If you want to get the desired career, then feed sweet rice to a crow on the day of lunar eclipse . It is believed that by doing this trick, the person gets rid of the obstacles in his career and there are chances of monetary gains.


  • It is believed that due to the weak moon in the horoscope, the person may have to face mental problems. Relationships with family members may deteriorate. In such a situation, to get rid of such problems, chant the mantras of Lord Shiva on the day of lunar eclipse . It is believed that by doing this remedy, the mental state improves and happiness and peace come to the house.
  • Apart from this, to get rid of debt, bring a lock from the market on the day of lunar eclipse and keep it in the moonlight at night. After this, in the morning, keep this lock in the temple. It is believed that by doing this remedy on the day of lunar eclipse, the person gets freedom from debt and becomes a source of wealth.

keep these things in mind

  • Pregnant women should stay at home during lunar eclipse.
  • Apart from this, pregnant women should not do any household work.
  • After the lunar eclipse is over, take a bath by adding Ganga water to the water.
  • After this, donate special things to poor people.