
New Delhi. Chanakya Niti Tips in Hindi: Acharya Chanakya has told many such things in his Niti Shastra, which if implemented in life, can solve the problems of life. Today we are going to tell you about some such people mentioned by Acharya Chanakya, who look very good, but their real intention is something else. The intention of such people is not to help you, but to create problems for you.

Stay away from such people

Many times we get swayed by the sweet words of others and thus end up harming ourselves. In this context, Acharya Chanakya says that one should not make friendship with people who speak sweetly in front of us and spoil our work behind our backs. Because they can betray a person at any time.

Even gentlemen get cheated

According to Acharya Chanakya, the person who wants to cheat you, wants something else in his mind but says something else. In such a situation, you should keep your personal matters hidden from others, no matter how special that person is. Because it is difficult to identify such people who have the tendency to cheat you. Sometimes even gentlemen get fooled by their words.

Keep distance from these people too

Acharya Chanakya says in his ethics that a person should not trust his friend even by mistake. Because when a friend becomes an enemy, he can reveal your secrets in anger. This can cause great harm to you. Therefore, many personal things of your life should always be kept secret and one should not trust anyone more than necessary.