
Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. As we age, the amount of calcium in our bones starts decreasing and they start becoming weak, which increases the chances of their breaking. Inactive lifestyle makes bones even weaker and bone density decreases. This condition is called osteoporosis. It is more common in women.

Often people wonder whether osteoporosis can be reversed or not, but very few people know the exact answer. Let's know what the truth is. Can osteoporosis really be reversed or is it a myth.

New study came out

According to a recent research, a healthy diet and active lifestyle along with proper workout and training can prevent and even reverse osteoporosis. Strengthening muscles and increasing load strengthens bones , which reduces the risk of fractures. Therefore, for good bone health, it is important to have good muscular health as well.

How to prevent osteoporosis-

  • Maintain body movement. An inactive lifestyle also contributes to reducing bone density. Some people stop walking and doing other work as they grow older, but don't do this. Go for a walk, do household chores and keep moving your body.
  • Do strength training and weight bearing exercises according to age, this improves bone density.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Consume calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K2, magnesium and other nutrients essential for bones. This will keep the digestive system strong and there will be no problem in absorbing calcium.
  • Take supplements. Along with a proper diet, take calcium and vitamin D supplements as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Sit in the sun. This helps the body produce natural vitamin D, which strengthens bones.
  • Focus on the production of natural estrogen hormone. This maintains bone remodeling and strength.