The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has confirmed the scam by arresting the then Chairman Taman Singh Sonwani and Director of Bajrang Power and Steel Limited, Raipur, Shravan Kumar Goyal in the CGPSC 2021 recruitment exam scam.
The first arrest has revealed the secret of corruption in the recruitment exams of the previous Congress government of Bhupesh. Arrested industrialist Shravan Kumar Goyal is accused of bribing his son Shashank Goyal and daughter-in-law Bhumika to get selected for the post of Deputy Collector. When the results of the recruitment exam were announced, the husband-wife duo had garnered a lot of praise. Many such couples were found in this exam, due to which this matter came under suspicion. BJP spokesperson Gaurishankar Shrivas had complained to the Governor in the matter. Later, the BJP had made it a big issue.
BJP had made it a big issue in the elections
Before the assembly elections 2023, the previous Congress government of Bhupesh got badly trapped in the CGPSC scam and the chair of the Bhupesh government was shaken. Former Home Minister and BJP leader Nanki Ram Kanwar had filed a charge sheet in the High Court Bilaspur and raised questions about many brothers-sisters, daughters-in-law and relatives. Regarding this, the High Court had also asked the state government how the sons and daughters of officers and leaders got selected. The court had banned the appointment of 18 candidates and asked the government to investigate.
After the BJP government came to power in the state, the EOW and ACB registered the crime on February 7, 2024. Later the case was handed over to the CBI. In this, the then Chairman of PSC Taman Singh Sonwani, Secretary Jeevan Kishore Dhruv, Controller of Examinations as well as officers and Congress leaders have been made accused. These were the allegations in the charge sheet filed in the court by former Home Minister Nankiram Kanwar A pair of five relatives of Taman Sonwani In the charge sheet filed in the court by former Home Minister Nankiram Kanwar, a list of appointments of five relatives of former PSC Chairman Taman Singh Sonwani was submitted. In this, his close relative Nitesh has been appointed to the post of Deputy Collector and his surname has been hidden. Daughter-in-law Nisha Koshle has also been selected to the post of Deputy Collector. Elder brother's son Sahil has been selected to the post of DSP. In this too the surname is not written. His brother's daughter-in-law Deepa Ajgale Adil has been appointed as District Excise Officer and sister's daughter Sunita Joshi has been made Labor Officer.
Investigation going on against retired IAS
Sumit Dhruv, a relative of the commission's secretary and retired IAS Jeevan Kishore Dhruv, became the deputy collector. Investigation is also going on against Jeevan Kishore Dhruv in the case. The daughter-in-law of PSC Assistant Controller Lalit Ganvir has also been selected in the PSC. The son-daughter duo of Khalko, who was the Governor's Secretary, Neha Khalko, daughter of Amrit Khalko, who was the Governor's Secretary, and his son Nikhil Khalko have been put under investigation for becoming deputy collectors. The selection of brother and sister surprised everyone Pragya Nayak, a resident of Deendayal Upadhyaya Nagar Sector-2, Raipur, had secured the first rank in CGPSC 2021. Pragya's brother Prakhar Nayak also secured the 20th rank in CGPSC. It was written in the charge sheet filed in the court that Pragya Nayak, daughter of a relative of the OSD of the Congress leader, and son Prakhar Nayak have been selected. Their selection surprised everyone.
Questions were raised about the selection of Congress leader Sudhir Katiyar's daughter and son-in-law. His son-in-law Shashank Goyal got third rank in PSC and his daughter Bhumika Katiyar got fourth rank. According to the chargesheet, Sakshi Dhruv, daughter of Bastar Naxal operation's DIG Dhruv, became deputy collector. Similarly, questions were raised after Khushboo Bijaura, daughter of brother-in-law of Congress leader's OSD, became deputy collector and Swarnim Shukla, daughter of Congress leader Rajendra Shukla, became deputy collector. According to the chargesheet, Congress leader's daughter Ananya Agrawal has also been selected for the post of deputy collector.
Assistant Professor recruitment also under scrutiny
There was a lot of corruption in the Assistant Professor Recruitment Exam 2019 held during the Bhupesh government. In this too, the daughter and son-in-law of a Congress leader have been selected. According to the FIR lodged on July 9, irregularities have also been done in the recruitment of 1,384 Assistant Professors done in 2019. First, the absent candidate was selected in this exam. At the same time, 36 out of 50 candidates sitting in the same examination center were also made Assistant Professors. This includes the names of the then Chairman of CGPSC, Taman Singh Sonwani, some officials and relatives of top Congress leaders.