The police is still investigating the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan and new updates are coming out every day. However, the police have not yet reached any decision. On the other hand, this attack on the actor has raised questions on the security of many people. Meanwhile, Shahid Kapoor has also spoken on the attack. Read the full news to know more.
What did Shahid Kapoor say for Saif?
Shahid Kapoor, who has worked with Saif Ali Khan in the film Rangoon, recently spoke to the Indian Express about his co-star, saying, "This can happen to anyone. But, Mumbai is a very safe city and has always been considered safe. This is a very shocking incident and everyone is very shocked. There are many cities where such things happen and it is not a big deal. But, this can happen to anyone. I am not going to say that celebrities are easy targets."
There is a need to pay attention to the attack
The actor further added, ‘There are many people who might be in a similar situation. If this had happened to a common man, we would be equally concerned. Because he is a celebrity, there is more talk about him. This is definitely something we should look into. Security in residential complexes really needs to be taken seriously. I am sure everyone is shocked by what happened. We are all happy to see that he is back and feeling well.’
Let us tell you that Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by an intruder who entered his house on January 16. After this, the actor was immediately admitted to the hospital. The information revealed shows that at around 2 o'clock in the night, the actor heard a noise when one of his female employees was attacked in Jeh's room. After this, when Saif reached the room, the attacker injured both Saif and the female employee.
When will Deva be released?
Talking about the work front, Shahid Kapoor was last seen in the romantic comedy 'Teri Baatein Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya'. Kriti Sanon was seen with him in this film. Currently, he is promoting his new film Deva which is going to be released in theaters on January 31. Directed by Roshan Andrews, this action-thriller will feature actors like Pooja Hegde, Pavail Gulati and Kubra Sait.