
New Delhi, ED Arrested CM Arvind Kejriwal: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday after two hours of questioning in the liquor scam case. Now Chief Minister is tightening the noose on Kejriwal. The ED team reached CM Kejriwal's house for questioning at around 9 pm on Thursday night. Since then, Aam Aadmi Party ministers, MLAs, and workers started gathering outside his house. After about two hours of interrogation, the team arrested Arvind Kejriwal at 12:10 in the night.

Kejriwal spent the night in the ED lockup. 
After not getting relief from the High Court, ED arrested Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal late in the night. After this, he approached the Supreme Court regarding such an arrest and requested for hearing as soon as possible. The Supreme Court has rejected his request. After this, Kejriwal spent the night in the ED lockup. Let us know how Kejriwal's night was... 

Medicines and blankets were ordered from home.
ED arrested Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal from his residence on the night of March 21 after two hours of questioning in a money laundering case related to the Delhi Excise Policy. After this, after getting his medical done, ED locked him in its lockup. According to media reports, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal spent the entire night tossing and turning and he could not sleep properly. After this, Kejriwal ordered some medicines and blankets from his house. 
