
Geneva: Due to global warming, the temperature of the earth's surface is continuously increasing. Due to this, the heat on the earth is increasing, due to which the glaciers are melting and the water level of the oceans is increasing drastically.

Meanwhile, a report released on Tuesday by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization states that the water level of the Pacific Ocean is rising more than the global average. This poses a threat of submergence of large areas of low-lying island countries.

Rising water levels due to continued burning of fossil fuels

Globally, sea levels are rising rapidly. Warming Earth temperatures from the continued burning of fossil fuels are causing powerful and thick ice sheets to melt. Warming oceans are causing water molecules to expand.

The average annual growth is much higher in the north and east

The World Meteorological Organization report showed that the average annual rise is much higher in the two measurement areas of the Pacific Ocean, north and east of Australia. The global rise was 3.4 millimeters per year over the past three decades.

We have undermined the potential of the oceans

“Human activities have undermined the oceans’ capacity to sustain and protect us, and we are turning a lifelong friend into a threat through sea-level rise,” World Meteorological Organisation Secretary-General Celeste Saulo said in a statement released to mark the release of the Regional Climate Report 2023 at a forum in Tonga.

Climate change may increase the incidence of floods

At the same time, the water level of these oceans has been increasing since 1980, due to which there are frequent floods on the sea coasts. Dozens of such incidents have occurred in islands like Cook Islands and French Polynesia. Such incidents sometimes occur due to tropical cyclones. Scientists believe that these incidents can also increase due to climate change, as the temperature of the sea surface is increasing.

More than 200 people died in the Pacific region in 2023

The WMO report said that more than 34 hazards such as storms and floods were predicted in the Pacific region in 2023, with more than 200 deaths. A spokesperson for the World Meteorological Organization said that the impact of rising water levels on the islands of the Pacific Ocean would be disproportionate, as their average height is only one or two meters above sea level.
