
New Delhi:  Whoever has come into this world, has to leave it one day. Meanwhile, today we tell you about Brian Johnson, the CEO of Silicon Valley Company, who always keeps doing different experiments to survive. 46-year-old Johnson is the first person who has got success in this. He reduced his biological age by five years through anti-aging products.

After this, now a start-up company in Germany has offered to freeze people in cryopreservation due to advanced technology. According to Mashable, the owner of the company Tomorrow Bio is demanding Rs 1.8 crore for preserving the entire body after death and Rs 67.2 lakh if ​​someone wants to freeze only his brain.

People will have the option to stay alive forever

Tomorrow Bio states on its website that the company's goal is to 'create a world where people can choose how long they want to live – independent of where they are, who they are and their financial resources'.

Six people and five pets have already been placed under cryopreservation, and more than 650 people who have paid for the service are waiting in line, Mashable said.


In cryopreservation, the temperature drops below 198 degrees

Through cryopreservation, where the temperature is set at minus 198 degrees Celsius, the company puts the body into 'biostasis' – a state where all biological processes stop forever.

The company claims that in the future, dead bodies can be voluntarily revived and the cause of death can be treated.


This technique will be beneficial

Cryopreservation is a technique where the temperature is so low that a normal human being cannot stay in it for even a moment, but in this temperature scientists keep the human body safe for years. However, cryopreservation is different from freezing. It involves a special cryoprotectant solution (liquid nitrogen) to prevent ice crystals from forming on the body, which can be harmful to it.
