
International: Recent data has shown that this year the sea surface temperature around the Great Barrier Reef has been recorded as the highest in more than 400 years. Rising summer temperatures in the Coral Sea are putting extreme pressure on corals, which is likely to lead to widespread bleaching.

Urgent action is needed to stop the Great Barrier Reef from collapsing, researchers warn. Urgent measures must be implemented to keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The hottest temperature in the last four centuries

According to a study published in Nature, the recent increase in sea surface heat is the highest in the last four centuries. Data shows that the main reason for this is human activities. At the same time, global warming is damaging the Great Barrier Reef. 

Several studies have confirmed that global warming is causing coral sea temperatures to rise, which is having a significant impact on the Great Barrier Reef. Without human influence, such extreme temperatures would be nearly impossible. Even if the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C target is met, 70% to 90% of corals worldwide could be lost.