Balrampur. After the video of senior assistant posted in Community Health Shriduttganj demanding bribe went viral, the corruption in the department has been exposed. Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak has taken the matter seriously. On the instructions of Deputy CM, senior assistant Saurabh Chandra Dubey has been suspended. The accused Babu has been attached to the office of Additional Director Medical Health and Family Welfare Devipatan Mandal Gonda.
This was the case
In the viral video, senior assistant of CHC Shriduttganj, Saurabh Chandra Dubey tells fourth class employee Sunny that Rs 20,000 will be required for the payment of GPF. The employee says that Babu, Rs 20,000 is too much bribe for the payment of Rs 1 lakh 35 thousand. Earlier you had asked for Rs 15,000.
On this, the babu gets angry and says that the order has to be obtained from the CMO. 10 thousand rupees have to be given at the headquarters itself. Work does not happen there without paying. If you keep paying, they will get the work done. Today is the 19th, we will return on the 23rd, then the work will be done. When we asked there, we were told to first take the full amount and then work can be done.
Babu Ho was removed and a five member team was formed
V When the audio went viral, the Chief Medical Officer transferred the accused clerk with immediate effect. A five-member team was formed to investigate the matter. It includes Additional Chief Medical Officer Dr. AK Chaudhary, Dr. Santosh Kumar Srivastava, District Program Manager Shivendra Mani Tripathi, District Health Education Officer Arvind Mishra and District Malaria Officer Rajesh Pandey.
AD nominated as investigating officer
CMO Dr. Mukesh Kumar Rastogi said that on the instructions of the Deputy CM, senior assistant Saurabh Chandra Dubey has been suspended and attached to the office of Additional Director Medical Health and Family Welfare Devipatan Division Gonda. The government has nominated the Additional Director as the investigating officer.