
Physical activity is considered beneficial for people of all ages, hence it is advised that everyone should do some physical activity. Recently, UK Biobank's research on 30 thousand people has found that physical activity done between 6 pm and midnight improves the health of obese people. People who were active in the evening had the lowest risk of premature death and death from heart disease.

Recent research has proved that a small activity of three minutes can provide more benefits than the total daily physical activity of people. According to a report by Bristol Live, exercise expert and owner of Exercsi, Gavin Cowper, has shared three ways in which people can improve their health with just 3 minutes of exercise.

You must have seen that interval training became quite famous during the Corona period because there are many benefits to doing it. Actually, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a good way to take your workout to the maximum limit in less time. So let's know about the routine of this exercise…

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Star Jump:  To warm up the body and increase the heart rate, first do star jump for 30 seconds. 

Bodyweight Squats: This is an exercise to activate the lower body, so do bodyweight squats for 30 seconds. 

Mountain Climbers: To activate the muscles around the core i.e. the stomach, do this exercise for 30 seconds and with this your mini HIIT workout will be completed.

Repeat this circuit three times, taking a 20-second break between each round.


Heart rate will increase in this session which has been kept in the category of cardio.

Burpees: This is a very good exercise. Burpees are done by combining three exercises – Scott, Jump and Plank. One rep burns 1.65 calories. Do as many burpees as you can in 30 seconds.

High Knees: Immediately after burpees, do high knees exercises for 30 seconds. In this exercise one has to run while standing at one place. Just keep in mind that your knees should come as high as possible.

Skipping: Then finish this set with skipping for 30 seconds. This can be done easily anywhere.

After completing the circuit, rest for 30 seconds, then do a total of three rounds.


Plank: To increase the stability of the core i.e. the muscles around the stomach, do this exercise for 30 seconds.

Russian Twists: To do this exercise, one has to sit on the floor and lean back slightly and then bend the legs slightly and touch the floor on both sides with the hands.

Leg Raises: To do this exercise, one has to lie down on the back and bring the legs straight up to the chest. Do this exercise also for 30 seconds.

Rest 20 seconds between each round and then repeat it three times.
