
New Delhi. Aaj ka Panchang 01 August 2024: According to astrological calculations, 01 August i.e. today is Guru Pradosh Vrat. This festival is dedicated to Lord Shiva. On this occasion, Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati are worshipped in temples. Also, Pradosh fast is being observed to get the desired groom. With the virtue of this fast, every wish of the devotee is fulfilled. Along with this, the fear of enemies also goes away. Come, let's know today's Panchang and Rahukal from ' Pandit Harshit Sharma' ji-

Today's Panchang 

Kamika Ekadashi Shubh Muhurat

According to the Panchang, the Dwadashi Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Sawan month is till 03:28 pm today. After this Trayodashi Tithi will start. Trayodashi Tithi will end on 02 August at 03:26 pm. Sadhaks can worship Lord Shiva during Pradosh Kaal on 01 August.


If we believe the astrologers, then Harshan Yoga is being formed on Guru Pradosh Vrat. This yoga is being formed at 12:55 pm. Astrologers consider Harshan Yoga auspicious. At the same time, Shivavas Yoga is being formed on this date. Shivavas Yoga is till 03:28 pm. Till this time Lord Shiva will be seated on Nandi. During this time, devotees can worship the Lord. Taitil and Gar Karan are also being formed on Kamika Ekadashi. At the same time, a combination of Mrigasira and Ardra Nakshatra is also being formed.


Sunrise - at 05:58 am

Sunset - 07:09 PM

Moonrise - late night at 03:36

Moonset - 04:58 PM

Brahma Muhurta - from 04:31 am to 05:14 am

Vijay Muhurat - from 02:45 pm to 03:38 pm

Twilight time - from 07:09 pm to 07:30 pm

Nishita Muhurta - from 12:12 am to 12:55 am

Inauspicious time

Rahu Kaal - from 02:12 PM to 03:51 PM

Gulik Kaal - from 09:15 am to 10:54 am

Directional evil – South


Bharani, Rohini, Mrigasira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Ashlesha, Purva Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Jyeshta, Purvashadha, Shravana, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Purvabhadrapada, Revati


Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn