
New Delhi: Bed bugs prevention: Hotels make your journey easy and memorable. They provide you with accommodation away from home and take complete care of your comfort. However, you should be careful while staying in any hotel or motel during the trip. If you do not do this, some unwanted guests may come to your house, who will take away your sleep. We are talking about bed bugs.

These are small insects hidden in the bed, which increase their number rapidly. Once bed bugs enter your house, it becomes very difficult to get rid of them. Therefore, one needs to be very cautious while staying in any hotel. You must read this article to know how to avoid them.

How to avoid bringing bed bugs home after a trip?

  • While staying in any hotel, inspect the beds in your room thoroughly to ensure that no bed bugs are hiding in them. If you see bed bugs or their eggs or any signs of their presence, then immediately change your room and do not take a room whose wall is adjacent to that room.
  • Bed bugs are not visible, but they start biting you as soon as you sit or sleep on the bed. So if you suddenly start itching or feel that something is biting you, then this can be a sign of bed bugs.
  • When going on any trip, do not keep your clothes and shoes in a bag, but keep them in an air tight plastic bag. This will prevent bed bugs from entering your bag, even if they do.
  • After returning from the trip, do not keep your bag on or near the bed. By doing this, if there are bed bags in the luggage, they will not go to your bed.
  • After arriving, unpack your luggage on the floor away from the bedroom and also keep an eye on the lighting so that if any bed bugs are seen, they can be spotted.
  • Do not keep clothes in the cupboard directly after taking them out of the bag. Wash them in hot water and dry them in the sun or dryer before keeping them in the cupboard. This will clean the clothes if they have bedbugs or their eggs.
  • Vacuum your bag and put all the trash in an air-tight plastic bag and seal it, then throw it in the dustbin.
