
New Delhi. Travel Anxiety: Everyone likes to travel. Some people enjoy travelling a lot but before setting out on a journey, they start feeling anxiety and it remains till they set out for the journey.

Even after a lot of preparations, management and planning, it is common to have anxiety before travel. Only one thing troubles the mind and that is to pack according to every kind of convenience and situation so that there is no shortage of anything outside the house and there is no inconvenience of any kind. But there is nothing to worry about in pre-travel anxiety.

How to handle pre-travel anxiety

Identify your triggers: Identify the triggers that bother you the most. For example, if you are afraid of losing documents while traveling, then keep all documents like passport, Aadhaar card and ATM card in a fixed place in a purse or suitcase. Do not change their place.

ake travel insurance: If you are afraid of any kind of accident then there is no harm in taking travel insurance. It keeps you mentally stress-free.

Breath work: If you have anxiety while sitting on a flight or on a long journey, work on your breathing. Long deep breaths provide your body with adequate oxygen, which reduces heart rate and blood pressure, reduces cortisol levels and makes you feel calm.

Keep drinking water: During travel, there should be good facilities to go to the washroom and keep the body hydrated and keep drinking water. This reduces anxiety to a great extent.

Be organized: Make a checklist of clothes, makeup, snacks, documents, tickets, medicines and all other essential items and keep ticking this list while keeping each item. This will give you mental satisfaction and reduce anxiety.
