
New Delhi:  Whether the stain is small or big, it highlights the clothes differently. It does not go away even after scrubbing with soap and washing and sometimes even dry cleaning does not show any effect. In such a situation, the only option left is to throw out the clothes from the wardrobe in frustration, but before rejecting them, try these home remedies once. Things like baking soda, lemon, salt, vinegar are very effective in removing these stubborn stains.    

1. Ink stains

Dettol can help you in removing ink stains on clothes. Take a large piece of cotton and soak it in Dettol and then rub it on the stain. After that wash the clothes. Apart from this, tomato is also very effective in removing this stain. Take a small piece of tomato and sprinkle salt on it. Rub it on the stained area. Then wash it with the help of soap or detergent.

2. Turmeric Stains

If there is a turmeric stain on clothes, baking soda can be helpful in removing it. Mix baking soda and toothpaste together. Apply this paste on the turmeric stained area and leave it for about 10 minutes. After this, clean it with water. 

3. Tea-coffee stains

If tea or coffee falls on clothes, use vinegar to remove it . Pour vinegar on the stained area and then rub it with your hands. Then leave it like this for about half an hour. With the help of this remedy, tea-coffee stains lighten to a great extent. Then they disappear after a couple of washes. 
