
New Delhi:  Every year 20th August is celebrated as 'World Mosquito Day' across the world. Small looking mosquitoes can spread many diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya and due to delay or negligence in treatment, a person can even die. The purpose of celebrating this day globally is to make people aware of these dangers and tell them about the measures to prevent mosquitoes. 

History of World Mosquito Day

The celebration of this day was started by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in the year 1930. In fact, British doctor Ronald Ross discovered the female Anopheles mosquito on 20 August in the year 1897. The same mosquito which is responsible for the dangerous malaria disease. He was also awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for this discovery.

Importance of World Mosquito Day (World Mosquito Day Significance)

Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous insects in the world. Their bites increase the risk of diseases like dengue, chikungunya , Zika virus and malaria. If not taken care of, these diseases can prove to be fatal. Every year millions of people die in the world due to mosquito-borne diseases. According to a report, in the year 2010, most deaths in Africa occurred due to mosquito bites. The purpose of celebrating this day is to make people aware of these dangerous diseases and to tell them about  the ways to protect themselves from mosquitoes .

Along with the dangers posed by mosquitoes, it is also important to know that these dangerous insects play a very important role in the smooth functioning of our ecosystem. Complete elimination of them can disturb the ecological balance, which can lead to many dangers. Therefore, instead of eliminating them, scientists recommend focusing on measures to control their reproduction and prevent diseases caused by them.
