
New Delhi. How to Reduce Belly Fat:  Due to today's hectic life, people are less able to pay attention to their health. This is the reason why the problem of belly fat is increasing among the youth these days. There are many reasons for this, such as lack of sleep, unhealthy food, less physical activity, stress, etc.

Therefore, by adopting the right lifestyle, one can get rid of this problem. Let us tell you that along with going to the gym and adopting a healthy diet, small household chores can also help in reducing belly fat (Tips to reduce belly fat). In this article, we will learn about this.

  • Sweeping- Sweeping is a great cardio exercise. While doing this, pressure is put on your abdominal muscles, which helps in reducing fat. It keeps you in constant motion and burns calories. Also, while sweeping you have to bend, which is also beneficial for your spine.
  • Mopping- While mopping, you have to sit in Malasana. Also, in this position, the floor is cleaned by moving backwards. This strengthens your stomach and back muscles. Also, due to pressure on the stomach, digestion also improves and it helps in reducing belly fat.
  • Gardening- Gardening is a full body exercise, in which you have to dig, take care of plants and remove weeds. It tones your abdominal muscles and helps in reducing fat. Also, watering the plants and digging also strengthens your arm muscles.
  • Washing clothes- Washing clothes by hand activates your upper body as well as abdominal muscles. It can be a good workout, which burns calories and helps reduce belly fat.
  • House cleaning- Cleaning the entire house, which includes dusting furniture, cleaning the bathroom and cleaning the windows. Doing this burns calories in your body , which helps in reducing fat.
  • Washing dishes- Constantly standing and using your hands while washing dishes activates your abdominal muscles. This helps in reducing belly fat.
