
New Delhi :  The aroma of hot samosas, pakoras, chaat is such that it is very difficult to stop yourself from eating them and in the rainy season, there is even more craving to eat them, but in this season, even a little carelessness in eating can become the reason for many stomach related problems. According to Ayurveda, the secret of avoiding diseases that develop in the rainy season is hidden in our food. In this season, the digestive process of our body slows down, in such a situation, too much fried, spicy food can become the reason for problems like gas, acidity, indigestion. If you do not want to be their victim, then know which things should be avoided during the rainy season.

1. Street Food 

Hygiene is often not followed in making things like Pani Puri, Chaat, Bhel Puri and sometimes even contaminated water is used, which can increase the risk of typhoid . Similarly, chutney and sauce are often kept in open containers and sometimes even stale ones are served, which can cause a lot of harm to health. If you feel like eating such things, then eat from a clean place. 

2. Meat, fish, and eggs

Although avoid eating these things in this season, but if you are eating them, then eat them only after cooking them properly. Due to humidity in the rainy season, there is a risk of these things getting spoiled quickly. Eating them can cause a lot of harm to health. 

3. Cold foods and drinks 

Avoid eating and drinking cold things, such as ice cream, cold juice, cold coffee, etc. Eating cold food can cause respiratory problems, as well as  cold and cough . Drink lukewarm water to improve the digestive system.

4. Fried and spicy foods

Fried and spicy foods increase Kapha dosha, along with this they can also cause weight gain, swelling and skin problems. Such food is also difficult to digest, especially during the rainy season. They slow down the metabolism. When food is not digested properly, one feels lazy throughout the day. Apart from this, consuming such things in large quantities increases bad cholesterol in the body, which can cause heart problems. To avoid all this, choose foods that are light and easy to digest. 

5. Sour foods

Foods such as tomatoes, citrus fruits and vinegar can aggravate the pitta dosha, leading to acid reflux, heartburn and skin rashes. These foods can make pre-existing digestive problems worse. Additionally, eating sour or acidic foods can increase stomach acid production which can aggravate gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers.

If you do not want to fall victim to these diseases in this season, then pay special attention to these things.
