
. Whenever it comes to healthy drinks, the name of coconut water comes first in the mind. It is a natural hydrating drink, which has many benefits if included in the diet. Many nutrients present in it make it a natural electrolyte drink. Coconut water is rich in antioxidants and important minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium.

Generally it is considered healthy, but do you know that there are some people for whom this healthy coconut water is equivalent to poison. Actually, there are some health problems or conditions in which one should avoid drinking coconut water, otherwise one may have to face the consequences. Let us know for whom coconut water is harmful-


People suffering from diabetes

If you are a diabetic patient, do not drink coconut water even by mistake. Actually, this water contains sugar, due to which drinking it can increase the blood sugar level of diabetic patients . Therefore, it is harmful for those people who are taking care of their carbohydrate intake.

In case of kidney problems

Coconut water has a high potassium content, which may cause harm to people with kidney problems, especially those on a potassium-restricted diet, potentially leading to hyperkalemia.


People with high blood pressure

Coconut water, which is high in sodium, can both raise and lower blood pressure, making it unsafe for those taking blood pressure-lowering medications.

People who have undergone surgery

Coconut water should be stopped at least two weeks before the scheduled surgery to avoid any hindrance in blood pressure and blood sugar control during and after surgery.


in the first trimester of pregnancy

Drinking coconut water should be avoided during the first three months of pregnancy . In fact, doing so can cause chills, which can increase the risk of miscarriage, worsen the symptoms of morning sickness such as bloating and digestive disorders.