
Various diseases are wreaking havoc in different parts of the country at this time. On one hand, Nipah virus is wreaking havoc in Kerala, while on the other hand, due to the havoc of dengue in Karnataka, it has been declared an epidemic. Along with this, its cases are also increasing rapidly in many other cities including the capital Delhi. Meanwhile, a worrying news has come from Pune, Maharashtra. Actually, a new variant of Chikungunya virus, which spreads through mosquitoes, has emerged here.

Due to the rapid spread of this new variant in Pune and the severity of its symptoms (Chikungunya Symptoms), it has become a matter of concern. Due to this, people are also facing many health problems. So far, about 2,000 cases of this virus have been reported. Since it is a viral disease caused by mosquitoes, it is important to know about its causes, symptoms and ways to avoid it. Let us know the important things related to this-


What is Chikungunya?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, Chikungunya (CHIKV) is a virus that spreads to people through mosquito bites. This viral infection is primarily caused by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito and the Aedes albopictus mosquito. Chikungunya infection occurs when an infected mosquito bites a person. The virus is not spread from person to person through physical contact or saliva, although it is possible to spread through blood transmission.


Symptoms of Chikungunya

Symptoms of chikungunya usually appear 4-8 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. However, its new variants have shown more severe symptoms, making it difficult for patients to recover quickly. Some of its common symptoms include:-

  • high fever (often over 102°F)
  • Severe joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Rash on the body
  • Nausea

What causes Chikungunya?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, a person becomes infected when bitten by a mosquito infected with the virus. The virus is spread by mosquito bites, not through bodily fluids or contact from person to person. This means that if you are sick with chikungunya , you cannot spread it to another person. However, it is possible to spread through blood transmission, but this is rare.

How to prevent Chikungunya

  • To prevent Chikungunya, it is important to avoid mosquitoes. In such a situation, you can adopt the following measures to prevent this infection-
  • Do not allow stagnant water to accumulate around you. For this, regularly empty water containers, flower pots and other places where water can accumulate.
  • Apply mosquito repellent to avoid mosquito bites. Especially during morning and evening when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Where mosquitoes are prevalent, wear long-sleeved shirts and pants so that most of your skin remains covered.
  • Use mosquito nets and screens at home to keep mosquitoes away from yourself and your family.
