
New Delhi. Brain Activities: Today we all are part of a busy life, due to which we get less time to take care of our health. Most of us are fulfilling many responsibilities at home, family and office, due to which we start forgetting many things. If you also feel brain fog many times, then it is important to exercise the mind along with the body.

By doing the work that we like to do, we feel good from the heart. According to science, this happens because our favorite work or hobby boosts the feel good hormone , which keeps us mentally strong and fit. If workout or any kind of sport is your hobby, then you will remain fit in every way. At the same time, there are some hobbies that increase the IQ level and sharpen the mind. Let's know about them.

5 hobbies that increase IQ

  • Dancing: Dance is a kind of workout, which keeps our body as well as mind fit. Dancing helps in removing depression and anxiety and helps in increasing IQ level.
  • Learning a new language: If you want to keep your brain sharp, then you should keep doing brain activities. For example, you can learn a new language. Apart from this, activities like Sudoku, crosswords, memory, problem solving, reasoning, planning and execution also increase IQ.
  • Playing a musical instrument: Learning to play a musical instrument like tabla, harmonium, flute, piano, dholak, guitar or any other musical instrument increases creativity in the mind. Memory, motor and analytical skills improve, which helps in increasing the IQ level. It uses both sides of the brain, due to which a part of the brain, corpus callosum, remains very active and helps in increasing the IQ.
  • Playing chess: This is a game that emphasizes strategy making which requires deep study of thinking, understanding, evaluation, comparative review, problem solving skills, reasoning, planning and execution. Making this complex game a hobby increases the IQ level rapidly .
  • Play a sport: Be it football or basketball, it helps in improving our planning, strategy, analytical skills, reduces stress and increases focus, which helps in increasing IQ level. Along with mental health, it is also very important for physical health.

