
Zinc Deficiency: Zinc is an extremely important mineral for our body, which helps in smooth functioning of many physical activities. It plays a major role in strengthening the immune system, wound healing, DNA synthesis and cells division.


Apart from this, zinc is also helpful in maintaining the sense of taste and smell, but when there is a deficiency of zinc in the body, it gradually starts weakening the body, which can cause many health problems. In this article, we will tell you about the symptoms of zinc deficiency, its effect on the body and those 5 things (Foods For Zinc Deficiency), which you can include in your diet to overcome this problem.


Zinc Deficiency Symptoms

Zinc deficiency affects the body in many ways. Its deficiency weakens the immune system, due to which a person starts falling ill frequently. Problems like delayed wound healing, hair loss, skin problems, loss of taste and smell and stunted growth can also be caused by zinc deficiency.


Zinc deficiency in children can affect their growth, while in adults it can cause fatigue, mental and sexual health problems. The biggest danger of zinc deficiency is that it slowly weakens the body from within. The symptoms of its deficiency do not appear immediately, but over time it weakens the body. Therefore, ignoring zinc deficiency can be dangerous.


5 things will fulfill the deficiency of zinc

The best way to overcome zinc deficiency is to include zinc rich foods in your diet. Here are 5 such things, which can prove to be helpful in overcoming zinc deficiency. Let's find out.



Meat is an excellent source of zinc. Red meat (such as beef and lamb) is especially rich in zinc. Chicken and turkey are also good sources of zinc. If you are a non-vegetarian, you can easily overcome zinc deficiency by including them in your diet.



Seafood, especially shellfish, is a great source of zinc. Oysters have the highest amount of zinc. Apart from this, crab, shrimp and fish are also good sources of zinc. Seafood is not only rich in zinc but also omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which are beneficial for health.


Pulses and seeds

Pulses and seeds are also a great source of zinc. Pumpkin seeds , sesame seeds, and flax seeds are high in zinc. Apart from this, pulses like chickpeas, lentils and kidney beans are also rich in zinc. These options are especially beneficial for non-vegetarians.


Dairy Products

Zinc is also found in dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt. These products are rich in not only zinc but also calcium and protein, which are beneficial for bones and muscles. If you are lactose intolerant, you can make soy milk or nut products a part of your diet as an alternative to dairy.


Nuts and whole grains

Nuts such as cashews, almonds and walnuts have a good amount of zinc . Apart from this, whole grains such as wheat, rice and oats are also a good source of zinc. By including them in your diet, you can overcome zinc deficiency. However, whole grains contain an element called phytates, which can reduce the absorption of zinc. Therefore, it is better to eat them by sprouting or fermenting them.