UP News: Even in the harsh cold, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath met people in Janta Darshan at Gorakhnath temple on Monday morning. He listened to their problems. The Chief Minister directed the officials to pay attention to the problems of the public with full seriousness and sensitivity and get them resolved quickly, qualitatively and satisfactorily so that no one has to face any trouble. Those who need financial assistance from the government for treatment, the process of their hospital estimate should be completed quickly and made available to the government. During this, CM Yogi gave heartfelt support to a woman who came with a request for financial assistance in treatment and said, get the estimate from PGI Lucknow, the government will pay for the treatment.
During his stay in Gorakhpur, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath met about 100 people in the Janta Darshan organized in the Mahant Digvijaynath Auditorium of Gorakhnath Temple on Monday morning. He listened to their problems one by one and handed over their applications to the concerned officials, assuring them of their resolution. He assured all the people that as long as he is here, no one needs to worry. Every problem will be resolved.
During this, CM Yogi instructed the officials to adopt a sensitive attitude towards every victim and satisfy him by solving his problem. There should be no laxity in this. The Chief Minister said that if someone is occupying land or bullying someone, strict legal action should be taken against him. It should be ensured that every victim's problem is resolved impartially to his satisfaction.
Like every time, this time also many people came to Janta Darshan with a request for financial help for treatment of serious diseases. CM Yogi assured everyone that his government will not let lack of money become an obstacle in the treatment of any needy person. Help will be given from discretionary fund. During this, a woman mentioned her financial difficulties to get her family member treated in PGI Lucknow. On this, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath gave her heartfelt support and said, get the estimate after getting admitted in the hospital. There is no need to worry, the government will pay for the treatment. Another woman mentioned that her family member is being treated in BRD Medical College and asked for help, then the CM gave necessary instructions to the officers present nearby for this. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath pampered and blessed the children who came with their families in Janta Darshan. He also gifted them chocolates.
CM Yogi did cow service in the temple's cowshed
. During his stay at Gorakhnath temple, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath 's daily routine remained traditional. On Monday morning, after paying obeisance at Guru Gorakhnath and paying homage to his Gurudev Brahmalin Mahant Avedyanath, he visited the temple's Gaushala while touring the temple premises. Here he spent some time and did Gauseva. After caressing the cows, the Chief Minister fed them jaggery and gave necessary instructions to the Gaushala workers for their care in the cold wave.