
World Suicide Prevention Day 2024: Suicide is a very big step, which a person takes when he becomes completely desperate. He does not see any ray of hope from anywhere. World Suicide Prevention Day is celebrated to prevent this (Suicide Prevention Tips). This day is celebrated every year on 10 September.


What is this year's theme?

It is a global awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness about suicide prevention and supporting those affected. This year's theme is "Changing the Narrative on Suicide", which highlights the importance of talking openly about suicide and its causes to help reduce its cases. The World Health Organization has chosen this theme for the year 2024 to 2026.

Unless people talk about this, we will not be able to succeed in stopping it. This theme has been thought of with this objective in mind. Along with this, a call to action has also been set - “Start the Conversation”. The objective behind this is that no matter how small the conversation is, it should happen so that people can understand suicide prevention in a better way and become more aware about mental health.



Why is it important to talk about this?

Suicide is a serious global problem. It is a complex issue and can be caused by many factors, such as mental health problems, stress, loneliness, social or economic pressures, etc. It is important to talk about these causes to understand how we can help the affected person. To prevent suicide, it is important to understand that it is the result of a desperate situation, but there is help available to prevent such a situation, which people should be aware of.


How can we prevent cases of suicide?

  • Increasing access to mental health services- It is important to ensure that all people know about and use mental health services, especially those who are in crisis. For this, it is important to talk openly about mental health issues and seek help from professional counselors.
  • Raise awareness about suicide- It is important to raise awareness about suicide so that people feel more comfortable to talk about the issue and do not hesitate to seek help. This can be done through awareness programs in schools, workplaces and communities.
  • Providing positive social support- Providing positive social support plays an important role in preventing suicide. This can be done by fostering supportive relationships with family, friends, and community members.
  • Education and training- Education and training about suicide is important so that people can recognise the issue and provide help to those affected. This can be done through training programmes for teachers, doctors, nurses and the general public.
  • Physical activity and healthy lifestyle- Promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle can improve mental health and help reduce the risk of suicide. This can be done by eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising daily.
  • Getting help – It is important to get help for people at risk of suicide. This can include Crisis Intervention Services, Suicide Prevention Helpline, and talking with mental health professionals.

What to do to get help?

The theme of World Suicide Prevention Day 2024 "Changing the Narrative on Suicide" is an important message that can play a vital role in giving hope and support to those affected by suicide. If you or someone around you is in need, you can call iCall at 9152987821.
