
The human body is made up of many bones and muscles. There are different things present in our body, which help the body to function properly. The 206 bones present in the body have their own importance and function. The spine is one of them, which not only supports us but also helps in our daily work. In simple words, the spine bears almost half the weight of the body.

In such a situation, it is very important to take care of it. However, due to today's busy lifestyle and ever increasing sitting hours, the spine starts getting damaged a lot. These days, back problems have increased a lot due to standing straight and bending repeatedly. In such a situation, World Spine Day is celebrated every year on 16 October with the aim of spreading awareness about spine health and related problems. On this occasion, Dr. Rajesh Verma, Director of Orthopedics, Joint Replacement at Maringo Asia Hospitals, Gurugram, is telling about exercises to keep the spine healthy and how to prevent spinal cord injury.


Bridge Exercise

Doctors say that this exercise helps in maintaining the health of your spine. It also strengthens your hips and lower back.


Bird Dog Exercise

To do this exercise, first sit on your knees. Then stretch your one and the opposite leg in the air. Stay in this posture for a while and then do the same with the other hand and leg. Doing this exercise improves your balance and also tones your core and lower back muscles.

Pelvic Tilt

To do this exercise, first lie down and then keep your knees bent while keeping your toes touching the ground. Keep your hands also touching the ground. Now tighten the abdominal muscles and keep your lower back pressed on the floor to gently lift your pelvis up. This helps in making your lower back more flexible.

Cat-Cow Stretch

This exercise helps in improving the flexibility of your spine. It also helps in stretching the back muscles. To do this, first rest your knees on the floor. Now raise your hands and then slowly touch them to the ground. After this, bend your back and breathe while raising your head and tailbone.


It helps you build stronger muscles in your back and abdomen, which support your spine.

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Doctors say that apart from these workouts and yogasanas, you can also do low-intensity exercises like swimming, cycling or walking to keep your spine healthy . All these exercises reduce discomfort around the spine and increase blood flow. Stretching exercises are also beneficial for improving range of motion and reducing back pain, especially for the hamstrings. However, consult your doctor before starting any exercise, especially if you have any back problems.
