
The solution to the issue of women's safety is not possible only through law. For this, every member of the society has to understand his role. First of all, both girls and boys need to be taught the values ​​of equality and respect. This education should be given not only in the family, but also in schools and colleges.

Apart from this, women should be made aware of their rights. They should know what steps they can take if they face any kind of violence. There is a need to change the attitude towards women in the society.

Cultural and social changes are necessary to eliminate patriarchal thinking. For this, positive attitude towards women should be promoted through films, TV programs, and other mediums.


Sensitivity towards crimes against women is necessary

The sensitivity of society towards crimes against women should be increased. It is often seen that if women report a crime, they are blamed. This mindset needs to be changed.  


Strict enforcement of law and prompt justice is imperative for the safety of women. Criminals should be given strict punishment and law and order should be strengthened so that women can exercise their rights without any fear.

The government must take concrete steps to bridge the gap between making laws and implementing them. Women's safety is a complex and multi-faceted issue that cannot be solved by law, education or efforts of any one section of society alone. It requires a holistic and collective approach.  


Everyone should have equal contribution in women safety

Every person in the society has to understand his role and adopt an attitude of respect and equality towards women. Only then can we create a society where women can truly feel safe and realize their dreams. In this struggle for women's safety, the contribution of society, government, and law is equally necessary.

Unless we all take concrete steps in this direction, the dream of women's safety will remain unfulfilled. Changing society is a complex and long process, in which many factors contribute. However, it is a necessary step so that society can become more just, inclusive and progressive.

The most important tool to bring about change in society is education. Children and youth should be educated about equality, human rights, environmental protection, and social justice in schools and colleges.

Education should not be just academic but should also include moral and social values. Children should be taught the values ​​of honesty, equality, and tolerance right from the beginning.


Be careful while making films and TV shows

Media and entertainment have a profound impact on society. Positive and empowering content should be promoted through movies, TV shows, and social media. These mediums can be a powerful tool to challenge stereotypes in society and spread awareness. It is important to counter the rumors and negative content that spreads on media and internet media.


For this, it is necessary to promote digital literacy and make people aware. The government should make progressive policies according to the changing needs of the society. These should include policies to improve equality, employment, education, and health.

Effective laws are required for social change. It is necessary not only to make laws but also to ensure their proper implementation.

This promotes discipline and morality in the society. It is important to change conservative notions like patriarchal thinking and gender discrimination.
