
Arvind Kejriwal News: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal came out of Tihar Jail on Friday after getting bail from the Supreme Court. There is a huge celebration atmosphere in the Aam Aadmi Party in this joy. Meanwhile, Aam Aadmi Party workers also burst crackers to celebrate the CM's release from jail, due to which BJP has now surrounded AAP.

Regarding the bursting of crackers in Delhi on the release of CM Arvind Kejriwal from jail, Delhi BJP media head Praveen Shankar Kapoor said, "Three days ago, Gopal Rai had imposed a ban on bursting crackers. These crackers are special, perhaps oxygen and nitrogen are coming out of them."



Surrounding Gopal Rai,
he further said, "Gopal Rai should tell whether these crackers will not cause any harm? If you have the courage, then remove the ban on bursting crackers on Diwali or else take action against those who burst crackers in celebration of this Kalyug Ravana."


'AAP's crackers do not cause pollution'

Praveen Shankar also wrote on his X handle, "Gopal Rai, who blamed Diwali crackers for Delhi's pollution and banned them, please tell us. From where are these Arvind Kejriwal's followers getting these flat crackers and bursting them? Do Aam Aadmi Party's crackers not cause pollution?"

It is worth noting that Arvind Kejriwal government of Delhi had recently banned firecrackers in the national capital. Now BJP has targeted AAP workers for bursting firecrackers.
