
Vitamin B12 is one of the most important vitamins for keeping the body healthy. Our body is unable to make this vitamin. This is why it becomes very important for us to supply vitamin B12 through our diet at all costs. Vitamin B12 has many important roles in the body. It helps in DNA synthesis, it helps in making red blood cells which prevents diseases like anemia, helps in the normal functioning of myelin sheath, an important part of nerve cells, prevents birth defects, supports bone health and prevents osteoporosis.

In such a situation, a deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause a lot of harm to the body. Its deficiency can occur due to two reasons, either sufficient amount of vitamin B12 is not available in the diet or the body is not able to absorb it properly. It is found naturally in non-veg foods and is also found in milk, curd, cheese. The signs of vitamin B12 deficiency match some common symptoms, so it is very important to understand them. Let's know the signs of vitamin B12 deficiency -

Yellowing of the skin

Lack of vitamin B12 in the body can lead to a decrease in red cell production, which can cause anemia, which causes the skin to turn yellow.

Weakness and fatigue

Anemia causes weakness and fatigue. If you notice any such symptoms, then understand that you are suffering from a deficiency of vitamin B12.

Shortness of breath and dizziness

If there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body, there may be a lack of oxygen, which leads to shortness of breath.

Prickling sensation in hands and feet

A tingling and prickling sensation is felt in the hands and feet, which is called prickling sensation. This starts to be felt when one suffers from vitamin B12 deficiency for a long time. There is a covering called myelin around the nerves, which acts as a kind of protection and insulation. Vitamin B12 helps in the functioning of this myelin and hence, if there is a deficiency of it, the nervous system becomes unable to function properly. This leads to this prickling sensation.