
Drinking milk is recommended to keep bones strong. But many people do not like drinking milk at all. It is often seen that parents complain that their children do not drink milk. If they give them milk at night, they do not drink it.


The milk remains in the glass like this till morning. Drinking milk is also advised so that the bones of children remain strong. If some people do not like to drink milk, then sesame is a better option for them. It is rich in calcium. Sesame is a natural medicine which proves to be very helpful in keeping the bones strong. Today we are telling you about the benefits of consuming sesame. 


1. Good source of calcium


Sesame seeds contain a good amount of calcium, which is essential for keeping bones strong. Calcium helps in strengthening bones and prevents them from weakening. If you start consuming sesame seeds daily, your bones will become much stronger. 


2. Good source of vitamin D

Sesame contains a good amount of vitamin D, which is very important for keeping bones strong. Vitamin D helps a lot in strengthening bones. You can consume sesame in many ways. You can also eat it by roasting it. It is very beneficial for your health. 


3. Sesame has anti-inflammatory properties

Sesame has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in keeping bones strong. Anti-inflammatory properties help in reducing inflammation in the bones and help in strengthening the bones. You can also consume sesame every night. 


4. Sesame is a good source of magnesium 

Sesame has a hot effect. Sesame contains a good amount of magnesium, which is essential for keeping bones strong. Magnesium helps in strengthening bones and helps prevent bone breakage. Keep in mind that excessive consumption of sesame should be avoided, as it can cause excess calcium in your body.