
New Delhi. Benefits of Mangolia Flower:  Flowers are used in many types of dishes in our country, in which flowers like hibiscus, rose, marigold, pumpkin and saffron are used the most. One such foreign flower is Magnolia, which can also be used in many dishes. It provides many other health benefits along with maintaining better eyesight. In such a situation, let us know about the magnolia flower which is rich in many nutritional properties and the benefits of eating it.

What is a magnolia flower?

Magnolia Grandiflora flower, native to America, enhances the beauty of many cities around the world, but in India, Magnolia flowers are grown only in some limited areas of Bhagalpur, Karnataka and Manipur, which people keep in their homes for decoration.

Health Benefits of Magnolia Flowers

Due to the numerous health benefits of Magnolia flower, it should definitely be included in your diet.

  • Magnolia is a plant flower whose bark and flower buds are used to make medicine.
  • Medicines made from magnolia flowers can be used to treat stress, anxiety, depression, weight loss, digestive problems, constipation, inflammation, headaches, stroke, fever and asthma.
  • The extract of its flowers is used to reduce stress and improve sleep .
  • The bud of this flower is used to relieve cold, runny nose or blocked nose, sinus pain, dark spots on the face and headache.
  • Magnolia flower buds are applied directly to relieve pain in teeth and gums.
  • How to use magnolia flower
  • Soaking fragrant magnolia flower petals in hot water and drinking it like tea is beneficial for mental health .
  • Pickle made from magnolia buds brings a spicy taste to chutney or salad. Therefore, it can be used as pickle, chutney or salad. Its ginger-like taste makes it perfect for salad.
  • Fresh magnolia flower petals are used as garnish on salads, soups and desserts.
