
New Delhi. Our body needs all the essential nutrients to stay healthy and function properly. All these nutrients perform different functions in our body and help in proper development and growth. Zinc is one of these essential elements, which is an important mineral that supports various functions of the body. In such a situation, its deficiency (Zinc deficiency) can cause many problems to us. Therefore, many problems can be avoided by identifying its deficiency in time.

There are some signs of zinc deficiency in the body, which people usually ignore. In such a situation, you can identify zinc deficiency in the body from these signs.

loss of appetite

A lack of zinc in the body can impair the sense of taste and smell, which can lead to a loss of appetite. This can lead to a vicious cycle in which a loss of appetite can lead to a further decrease in zinc intake through food.

Frequent infections

If you are getting frequent infections, then this can be a sign of zinc deficiency in the body. Actually, due to zinc deficiency, immunity becomes weak, due to which repeated infections can occur. Zinc plays an important role in the functioning of immune cells and if there is a deficiency of it, it becomes difficult for the body to fight bacteria and viruses.

Slow wound healing

Zinc is essential for cell division and protein synthesis, which are important for wound healing. A deficiency in zinc can cause wounds to take longer to heal and increases the likelihood of infection in wounds.

skin problems

A zinc deficiency in the body can cause skin problems such as rashes, acne and other problems. Zinc is essential for maintaining healthy skin and its deficiency can disrupt the normal function and repair of skin cells.

Hair loss

Excessive hair loss can also be a sign of zinc deficiency. This is because zinc deficiency causes thinning and hair loss. Zinc is important for DNA and RNA production, which are essential for the health of hair follicles. Without enough zinc, hair growth may be stunted or hair may begin to fall out prematurely.

Mood changes

Low zinc levels can affect brain function, leading to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Zinc plays an important role in neurotransmitter function and hormonal balance, which are important for mental health, so its deficiency causes mood swings.
