
New Delhi. Kidneys have an important job of cleansing the body by removing toxins from it. When we drink enough water, these toxins are easily flushed out with urine. Due to the work of fluid regulation, kidneys also maintain the moisture of the skin, maintain energy in the body and are also responsible for overall healthy health. Overall, it can be said that kidneys play an important role in making us healthy.

However, sometimes due to some reasons we are not able to take proper care of the kidneys, due to which many problems like UTI, kidney stone, chronic kidney disease can arise. Therefore, healthy eating is most important to keep the kidneys healthy. In such a situation, know about those top 5 superfoods which will improve your kidney health-


Apple keeps the sugar and cholesterol levels balanced, it is an excellent anti-oxidant which is also rich in vitamin C. The soluble fiber pectin present in it is considered very beneficial for kidney health.


Fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna which are rich in omega three fatty acids keep the kidneys healthy. It controls the process of blood clotting, helps in reducing triglyceride level as well as blood pressure.

Sweet potato

Consuming sweet potatoes with low sugar content and fiber content reduces the pressure on the kidneys and keeps them healthy. Just boil them, cut them into pieces, add chaat masala or squeeze lemon and eat it like a salad. It tastes spicy and delicious and is also very beneficial for health.


Manganese and vitamin C are found in fiber-rich pineapple, which makes it suitable for kidney health. It also contains low amount of potassium, so make and eat pineapple raita or fruit salad.


Blueberries are considered very beneficial for the kidneys due to their low potassium content. Rich in antioxidants and a lot of nutrients, almost all berries like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries are considered good for kidney health.
