
New Delhi. To make our food healthy, the first thing we remove from our diet is high fat foods. Fat is a macro nutrient that is very important for a normal body. Fat plays an important role in many important processes of the body. Fat is very important in cell growth, cell turnover, brain development and digestion. Fats are also lubricating, which provides relief from constipation.

Consuming fats in limited quantity gives a feeling of fullness for a long time and one does not feel hungry again and again. Good sources of fat are often rich in protein, carbs, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Mono saturated and poly saturated fats come in the category of healthy fats. At the same time, saturated and trans fats come in the category of unhealthy. In such a situation, today in this article, we know about those 5 fattening foods which are actually healthy-

Desi Ghee

Apart from strengthening the immune system, it also improves digestion, is rich in vitamins, strengthens bones, keeps the heart healthy. Apart from health, it is good for the skin and is an excellent option for a lactose intolerant person.

Olive Oil

Apart from eliminating heart problems, it also prevents diabetes , prevents obesity, provides relief from constipation and is very beneficial for brain health.


Rich in omega-3, eggs are nutrient-rich. They increase the amount of good cholesterol in the body, provide high-quality protein, are an excellent source of vitamin D and make you feel full for a long time, which helps in controlling weight.

Full Fat Dairy

By consuming full fat milk or yogurt, the body gets adequate amount of probiotics, vitamins and calcium, which reduces the risk of blood pressure and stroke. It strengthens bones and teeth and improves digestion along with relieving acidity .