
Kanpur News: There was a commotion in Kanpur court of Uttar Pradesh when suddenly smoke started coming out of the record room of the court. Before anyone could understand anything, there was chaos in the court. Important documents related to the case are kept safely in the record room, but the sudden fire in suspicious circumstances surprised everyone in the court. The fire department was immediately informed about the fire.

A sudden fire broke out in the record room of Kanpur court under suspicious circumstances. Important documents and records of all the cases related work are kept safely in the record room but the sudden fire burnt all the documents present in this room to ashes. On getting the information of the fire, two fire engines reached the spot and started trying to extinguish the fire. After some time the fire was extinguished but all the documents kept in the record room were burnt.

The question that is now coming to the minds of the officials is whether the fire broke out suddenly or was it set deliberately by someone, whether there was a conspiracy to set the record room on fire or whether there was an evil attempt to destroy any evidence kept with important documents or information. Many important cases are going on in the Kanpur court. Whether it is the case of MLA Irfan Solanki or the case of grabbing land worth Rs. 1500 crores. 

Many such big cases and lawsuits are pending in the court or judicial proceedings are going on in the cases due to which the record room was set on fire. Although it is not clear yet but the officials are investigating every point and efforts are also being made to know the real reason behind the fire.

On the other hand, fire officer Lakshmi Narayan said that a lot of hard work had to be done to extinguish the fire because there was no proper arrangement to take even small vehicles along with big vehicles inside the court. The roads were narrow and it was not easy to pass through them. At present, the fire has been controlled with a lot of hard work and a major accident was averted. Some documents have been damaged due to burning.
