A video of a frightening incident has emerged from Kerala's Mallapuram district. During the Pudiyangadi temple festival in Tirur town, an elephant suddenly got angry and attacked the crowd standing in front. According to the information, a large number of people have been injured in this incident. In the horrifying video of the elephant attack that has emerged, the elephant is seen holding a person with its trunk and waving him in the air. Let us know about this entire incident in detail.
How did this accident happen?
Actually, during a temple festival in Tirur in Mallapuram district of Kerala, the elephant suddenly got enraged. The angry elephant attacked the crowd of people standing in front, which led to a stampede. According to the information received so far, a total of 17 people have been injured in the elephant attack and the stampede that followed during the festival. The condition of one of them is said to be critical. He is undergoing treatment at MIMS Hospital in Kottakkal.
A horrifying video surfaced
A frightening video of an elephant attacking a crowd during a temple festival has also surfaced. The video shows that 5 elephants are standing in a line during the festival and there is a crowd of people in front of them. Suddenly an elephant attacks the crowd, causing a stampede. During this, the elephant catches a person from the crowd with its trunk and swings him in the air for a long time and then throws him down. The name of the elephant that carried out this attack is Srikuttan.
People got injured in the stampede
According to the information, the incident took place on Tuesday, the last day of the festival, at around 12:30 am. The angry elephant at the temple became aggressive and attacked the crowd and threw a person by lifting him with its trunk. Most of the injuries to the people were due to the stampede after the elephant attack. The mahout controlled the elephant by 2:15 am, which prevented further damage.