According to the Vedic calendar, Vinayak Chaturthi will be celebrated on the first Friday of the year. This festival is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. On this day, Lord Ganesha, the giver of Riddhi-Siddhi, is worshiped. Also, Chaturthi fast is observed. On Friday, Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, is also worshiped. Worshiping Goddess Lakshmi frees one from financial problems. Apart from this, one also gets rid of the sorrows prevailing in life. If you also want to be a part of the blessings of Lakshmi Ganesh ji, then definitely do these measures during worship on Friday .
Friday's remedies
- If you want to increase happiness, then donate things like incense, agarbatti, perfume, honey, rice, flour, white clothes etc. on Fridays. Donating these things strengthens Venus in the horoscope. Happiness increases when Venus becomes strong.
- It is mentioned in Sanatan Dharma that Lakshmi Narayan resides in the Peepal tree. Therefore, to get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, worship the Peepal tree on Fridays. Also, circumambulate the Peepal tree during the worship. Recite the mantra Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shree Siddha Lakshmiye Namah at this time.
- If you want to progress in business, then worship Lakshmi Ganesha on Vinayak Chaturthi Tithi. At this time, offer Durva and Modak to Lord Ganesha. You should offer Durva in odd numbers. Also, offer turmeric, kumkum and rice pudding to Goddess Lakshmi.
- Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, loves coconut and cowrie shells. For this, during the puja, you must offer coconut and white cowrie shells to Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.
- If you want to get rid of Vastu defects, then install Mahalaxmi Yantra at home during worship on Friday . By doing this remedy, positive energy flows in the house.
- Married women must observe Vaibhav Lakshmi Vrat on Fridays to increase happiness and good fortune. Also, offer vermilion to Goddess Lakshmi during the puja. By doing this remedy, Goddess Lakshmi is quickly pleased.