
According to the Vedic calendar, 28th December is the Trayodashi of Krishna Paksha of Paush month. As it falls on Saturday, it will be called Shani Pradosh Vrat. Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati are worshiped on the day of Pradosh Vrat. Also, Pradosh Vrat is kept for them. By observing this fast, all wishes are fulfilled. Also, happiness comes in life. If you also want to get the blessings of Shani Dev, then worship Shiva-Shakti with devotion on the day of Shani Pradosh Vrat. At the same time, chant these mantras according to your zodiac sign at the time of worship.


Chanting mantras according to your zodiac sign

  • People born under the Aries Zodiac should chant the mantra 'Om Shanaishcharaya Namah' during the puja on the day of Pradosh Vrat.
  • People of Taurus zodiac should chant the mantra 'Om Shantay Namah' to get the blessings of Shani Dev.
  • People of Gemini zodiac should chant the mantra 'Om Sharanyaya Namah' on Shani Pradosh fast.
  • Cancer zodiac sign people should chant the mantra 'Om Sarveshaya Namah' to get the blessings of the God of Justice.
  • People of Leo zodiac sign should chant the mantra 'Om Soumaya Namah' to please Shanidev.
  • To get success, people of Virgo zodiac should chant the mantra 'Om Sundaraya Namah' on Monday.
  • People of Libra zodiac should chant the mantra 'Om Mandaya Namah' during worship on the day of Shani Trayodashi.
  • Scorpio zodiac sign people should chant the mantra 'Om Maheshaya Namah' to get the blessings of the giver of karmaphal.
  • People of Sagittarius sign should chant the mantra 'Om Neelvarnaya Namah' to please Shani Dev.
  • People of Capricorn sign should chant the mantra 'Om Vedaya Namah' to get the desired groom.
  • People of Aquarius zodiac should chant the mantra 'Om Vishnubhaktaya Namah' to get relief from stress.
  • People born under Pisces sign should chant the mantra 'Om Vamanaya Namah' during the puja on the day of Pradosh Vrat .