
New Delhi. The body needs many nutrients for good health, one such essential mineral is selenium, the presence of which protects the body from cancer, infection and free radicals, as well as improves fertility and also works to repair DNA. If there is a deficiency of it in the body, there is a risk of oxidative damage, as well as you can also fall prey to many diseases. In such a situation, let us tell you in this article, how much amount of selenium the body needs and how its deficiency can be overcome.

How much selenium does the body need? 

According to WHO, men need 34 ug of selenium daily. For women, this amount is 26 ug per day. The National Institute of Health says that people over 14 years of age need 55 ug of selenium, and a newborn needs 20 ug of selenium daily. Also, if you are pregnant, you may need it a little more than other people.

These foods will remove selenium deficiency


To get ample amounts of selenium, it is important that you include chicken in your diet. Let us tell you, one bowl of chicken contains 22 micrograms of selenium, which helps in fulfilling the daily requirement to a great extent.



If you also eat eggs, then let us tell you that selenium can also be supplied to the body through them. In such a situation, it is considered very beneficial not only in terms of taste but also in terms of health. A hen's egg contains about 15 micrograms of selenium.


Paneer or cottage cheese is also considered a good source of selenium. If you want to avoid heart diseases, then including cottage cheese in your diet is also a very good option. Let us tell you, 20 micrograms of selenium is present in 100 grams of paneer.


Selenium deficiency can also be overcome by eating green leafy vegetables. Let us tell you, 200 grams of spinach contains 11 micrograms of selenium, so by including it in the diet, the iodine level in the body can be made healthy.
