
The second Pradosh Vrat of January (Pradosh Vrat January 2025) will be observed on 27 January, Monday. Since it falls on Monday, it can also be called Som Pradosh Vrat. During the worship of Pradosh Vrat, you can recite Nataraja Stuti to receive the special blessings of Lord Shiva.


Auspicious time of Pradosh fast (Pradosh Vrat Puja Muhurat)

This time the Trayodashi date of Krishna Paksha of Magh month is going to start on 26 January at 08:54 pm. At the same time, this date will end on 27 January at 08:27 pm. It is considered auspicious to worship Pradosh fast during Pradosh period. In such a situation, Pradosh fast will be observed on Monday, 27 January 2025. The auspicious time for worship on this day is going to be something like this -


Som Pradosh fast worship time - from 05:56 pm to 08:34 pm


Nataraja praise recitation. (Natraj Stuti)

Creator of the true creation orgy


Nataraja Raj Namo Namah.


O primal guru Shankar father


Nataraj Raj Namo Namah ॥


serious sound mridangana


दभके उरे ब्रह्मदना ।


constant noise


Nataraj Raj Namo Namah ॥


head knowledge ganga moon


Chidbrahma light on forehead of mother.


Vishnag Mala throat mother


Nataraj Raj Namo Namah ॥


tavashakti vamange status


O Chandrika the undefeated one.


All the four Vedas are sung in the Samhita


Nataraj Raj Namoh ॥


you get these benefits

By reciting Nataraja Stuti on the day of Pradosh Vrat, the devotee gets to see amazing results in life. By reciting this, happiness and prosperity remains in life by the grace of Lord Shiva. Along with this, the stress of the person also starts to go away gradually. In such a situation, you can also recite this Stuti daily.


Chant these mantras-

Om Namah Shivay:


Om Trimbakam Yajamahe Sugandhi Pushtivardhanam. Urvarukamiv Bandhananmrityormukshiya Maaamritat ||


Om Namah Shivay Gurudevaya Namah


Om Shivlingaya Namah


Shiv Gayatri Mantra - Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi, Tanno Rudraah Prachodayat.


Mahamrityunjaya Mantra - Om Trimbakam Yajamahe Sugandhi Pushtivardhanam


Urvarukamiv Bandhanaan Mrityormukshiya Mamritat.