This time the first Pradosh fast of Magh month will be observed on Monday, 27 January. Since it falls on Monday, it can also be called Som Pradosh fast. This time there is a coincidence of Monday and Pradosh fast (Pradosh Vrat January 2025), which is considered very special.
Pradosh fast auspicious time
The Trayodashi Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Magh month is starting on 26th January at 08:54 pm. This Tithi will end on 27th January at 08:27 pm. The worship of Pradosh fast is done in Pradosh Kaal. In such a situation, Pradosh fast will be done on Monday, 27th January 2025. The auspicious time of worship on this day is going to be -
Som Pradosh fast worship time - from 05:56 pm to 08:34 pm
Definitely do this work
To get auspicious results on the day of Som Pradosh Vrat, you should worship Lord Shiva during Pradosh Kaal and offer him white coloured things like white sweets etc. Also, do recite Shiv Tandav Stotra on this day. It is believed that keeping Som Pradosh Vrat and worshipping Lord Shiva in a proper manner removes the problems related to Chandra Dev present in the horoscope.
Chant these mantras-
You can see auspicious results in life by chanting these mantras on the day of Som Pradosh Vrat.
Om Namah Shivay"
Om Ashutoshaya Namah
Om So Somay Namah
Om Namo Dhandaya Swaha
Om Hreem Namah Shivay Hreem Om
Om Aim Hreem Shiva Gaurimay Hreem Aim Om
Om Shran Shreen Shran Sah Somay Namah
Om Mrityunjaya Mahadev Trahimaan Suranagatam Birth Death Minor Disease Suffering Karma Bandhan.