
People call Gaurav a foodie. He has a bulky body and a big smile on his face. He regrets that if he did not have the bad habit of trying new food, then his weight would have been under control today. But now neither the gym is of any use nor any motivational video for weight loss. If you spend hours with mobile, laptop, or constantly try some tempting pictures, some spicy or tangy content presented in the form of videos as a favorite snack, then be careful, you are under the threat of content obesity.

everything on auto mode

Noodles, pasta or canned food immediately attracts its lovers. Even knowing that it is not good for health, they can eat it at any time of the day. The content served on the internet platform is also appealing to people like junk food. People are consuming it for hours at any time of the day. This may provide relief from the stressful activities of everyday life for a while, but the heavy dose of ignorant elements present in it is enough to make the content a victim of obesity. Actually, the internet platform has been designed in such a way that you remain stuck in it for a long time, keep scrolling. If you see something new, it also tempts you to get something new further.


In fact, they mostly contain useless content. Why do you watch them even after knowing this? Dr. Nand Kumar, a senior psychiatrist at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, calls this situation as conditioning of our brain. According to him, 'Our brain easily accepts the things that you do repeatedly. After some time, it keeps doing it in auto mode. For example, while driving a car, we listen to songs while simultaneously keeping an eye on the clutch, accelerator etc. Sometimes we even talk on the phone.'


facing a huge crisis

The fingers dancing on the smartphone and laptop do not want to stop even for a short while or it could be said that you do not feel like putting the phone down for a while. A voice comes from within saying that so much time has been wasted but this irritation disappears after a while. The next time, the hunger to see, hear and read something new brings such an impulse that it takes you to the world of Internet. By doing this you are inviting a lot of diseases yourself. First you got into the habit of eating things that you like and then in the process of trying something new you forget that you are inviting a lot of troubles by sitting continuously.

According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, sitting for more than 13 hours a day can negate the benefits of exercising. This tendency can put you on the brink of high blood pressure and hypertension. The feeling that the content you are consuming on the internet media is of no use to you makes you feel worthless. To forget the anxiety caused by wasting time and not getting anything in return, you spend a lot of money on meditation courses and retreat centers. You also go on long vacations, but life returns to the same mode after returning. The same mobile, the same content and the anxiety, which never leaves you.

Who stole the attention?

In the era of short movies and reels, watching a three-hour film seems like a burden to most people. In fact, the attention span has decreased rapidly in the past years. Restlessness and fatigue dominate. According to Dr. Nand Kumar, 'The concentration of a person who could concentrate for 24 minutes about two decades ago has now come down to eight seconds, which is less than the concentration span of a goldfish of nine seconds. If the disease of forgetfulness has increased, then this is the reason for it.' The brain is able to remember something only after listening carefully. But if the mind remains restless even while doing small tasks, then you should worry. If someone in the family has complained that you keep your eyes fixed on the phone while talking to them, then this is a sign that now there is a need to give time to the relationship. The restlessness caused by content obesity has also distanced you from family, loved ones and society. Everyone is saying that now life is being spent in loneliness, so think who is responsible for this!

Pause is the right solution

You can resist the temptation to consume content on your own. First, you need to give your mind a break. Instead of constantly drifting off into action, take some time out for creative work. It will be more enjoyable, and it will also increase efficiency and productivity.

keep these things in mind

  • Set a time limit for viewing content, start implementing it today.
  • Digital detox vacation is also a solution, but it cannot be called a permanent solution.
  • Ask yourself questions like why you are watching the content, how is it helping you 
  • Look for platforms that are quality-rich, research-based, mood-enhancing, educative, and even inspiring.
  • Making friendship with books can be helpful in controlling your habit of viewing content.
  • Spend time with nature. This helps in building self-discipline.
