
New Delhi. Giloy is a kind of vine, which is considered very beneficial in increasing the body's immunity. In this summer season, when the risk of dengue, malaria and swine flu increases significantly, then consuming this medicine can give you magical benefits. From using it raw to its capsules, juice and powder are available in the market today, which can prove to be very helpful in improving digestion and getting rid of diabetes or arthritis problems. If you are also unaware of its benefits (Giloy Ke Fayde) till now, then let's know about it in detail.

Beneficial in diabetes

Consumption of Giloy is no less than nectar in the problem of diabetes. By making a decoction using its leaves, stem or root, the blood sugar level can be controlled in a great way. Apart from this, its consumption proves to be very useful in controlling abnormal insulin levels.

Provide relief from arthritis pain

Giloy also works like a boon in arthritis. By including Giloy in the daily diet, the problem of joint pain can also be reduced. For this, dry it and make powder and drink it with warm milk at night and then go to sleep. This will not only help you sleep better, but will also provide great relief from joint pain.

Make the digestive system better

Giloy has no competition in improving the immune system. By consuming it, problems like gas, acidity and constipation etc. do not even come close and you also avoid expensive and bitter medicines available in the market. By taking a little juice of its leaves every morning on an empty stomach, the digestive system gets innumerable benefits.

Beneficial in stress

In this fast paced life, every second person is struggling with stress. In such a situation, consuming Giloy removes the toxins accumulated in the body , which helps a lot in reducing stress. After getting rid of toxins, the mind becomes calm and one also gets relief from stress.
