
The havoc of Nipah Virus (NiV) has been seen once again in Kerala. Here a person has lost his life due to a dangerous virus. At the same time, many people have been kept in isolation. Also, the state is on alert mode since this case came to light. This is a deadly virus, which has created havoc here earlier as well. In such a situation, to avoid it, it is important to have the right information and also know the right methods of prevention.

In this sequence, to know in detail about this deadly virus, we talked to Dr. Sahil Kohli, Principal, Consultant Neurology, Neuroscience at Max Hospital, Gurugram.


What is Nipah virus?

Doctors say that Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic virus, which means that people can come into contact with it from animals. Apart from this, it can spread through direct human-to-human contact. Fruit bats, sometimes known as flying foxes, are the main hosts of this virus, which can infect humans when they come in contact with infected fruit or animals such as pigs. NiV outbreaks are seen in Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh and India.



Cause of Nipah Virus

Direct contact with the body fluids of infected persons, eating contaminated fruits or contact with infected animals are the three main ways through which Nipah virus spreads. When bats carrying the virus drop half-eaten or rotten fruits, people or other animals who eat these fruits can get infected (Nipah Virus Causes).


Symptoms of Nipah Virus

Nipah Virus Symptoms include fever, headache, dizziness, sore throat , vomiting and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, the infection can cause encephalitis or swelling of the brain, which can lead to confusion, drowsiness and even coma within a few days. Due to its high mortality rate, this virus often causes death within two weeks of infection.


Ways to avoid Nipah Virus (Nipah Virus Prevention Tips)

  • Do not eat or touch fruits that have fallen from the tree, half-eaten or leftover fruits.
  • Avoid contact with sick animals, especially pigs.
  • Keep yourself clean, especially wash your hands frequently.
  • Wear protective clothing when around infected animals or people.
  • Isolate affected individuals to prevent the infection from spreading.
