
How To Avoid Motion Sickness: Many people suffer from motion sickness during travel. Such people experience discomfort during travel. This problem is most commonly experienced during sea travel. However, many people also face motion sickness while traveling by car, bus or train. Due to this fear, many people start fearing to travel.


According to experts, this problem occurs due to the brain receiving different messages. Medicines can also be taken to avoid motion sickness, but understanding the cause of this problem can help in taking preventive measures. Let us know from experts the problems caused by motion sickness.


Problems caused by motion sickness 

These problems can occur due to motion sickness



- Vomiting


-Feeling of cold or paleness of the body


– Feeling nervous


What to do if you feel motion sickness

Try to look straight at one point, do not move your eyes too much

-Choose the right seat while traveling. Sit in the front seat in a car, face the direction of movement in a train and sit in the middle in a ship.

Breathe in fresh air, if possible keep the window open


Home remedies to relieve motion sickness

  • Chew a small piece of ginger or drink ginger tea. Use a thermos for tea while traveling.
  • Suck mint candies or drink mint tea.
  • Suck a slice of lemon or drink lemon water,
  • Put a few cloves in your mouth and chew them slowly.
  • Fennel seeds
  • Chew a teaspoon of fennel seeds. Fennel seeds can help reduce gas and bloating.
  •  Mix a pinch of black salt in a teaspoon of ajwain and swallow it with water. This can help in digestion and reduce vomiting.
  •  Boil one spoon of cumin seeds in water, filter it and drink it.


What not to do

To avoid motion sickness, avoid heavy meals before the journey, avoid using mobile and laptop during the journey, avoid consuming too much caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee. According to John Golding, Professor of Applied Psychology at Westminster University, London, controlling breathing is the best remedy during motion sickness. It works like half a pill taken for motion sickness.
