
The full moon date of Margashirsha month is known as Margashirsha Purnima. With the end of this date, the month of Margashirsha will end and after this the month of Paush will begin. This year the month of Paush is starting from 16 December and it will end on 13 January. It is a religious belief that by worshiping Vishnu ji and Maa Lakshmi on the day of Margashirsha Purnima, the person gets success in business and gets the stuck money. Apart from this, there is never a shortage of anything in life by bathing in the Ganges and donating. According to astrological calculations, the luck of the people of Gemini, Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius is going to shine from Margashirsha Purnima. These zodiac signs will get the blessings of Lord Vishnu and Maa Lakshmi, but for this, do take special measures. In such a situation, let us know which measures (Margashirsha Purnima 2024 Upay) by these 4 zodiac signs will prove to be fruitful.  


These zodiac signs will get benefit



On the day of Margashirsha Purnima, people of Gemini zodiac sign will get auspicious results. For this, after taking bath in the morning, the person should worship Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi in the auspicious time. Also donate food and money. It is believed that by doing this remedy, the person will get the blessings of Shri Hari and Goddess Lakshmi and happiness and peace will come to the house.  




To receive the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, people born under Cancer zodiac sign should include fruits, flowers, sweets and other offerings in the Puja thali on the day of Margashirsha Purnima. It is believed that by doing this, the life of the person becomes happy and the position of the planets in the horoscope becomes strong.




Sagittarius natives will get relief from money related problems. To get this auspicious result, offer Vaijayanti garland to Lord Krishna, the protector of the world. It is believed that by doing this remedy, the pending work gets completed and the shortage of money gets removed.  



Donation during all festivals has special importance in Sanatan Dharma. If you want to strengthen your financial condition, then donate food, money and clothes to the temple or poor people on the day of Margashirsha Purnima. By doing this remedy, happiness, prosperity and wealth increase. Also, the financial condition improves.