
Agra.  There was a wave of change in Mantola, a part of the old city. There has been peace in this area including Jamatkhana, Dholikhar Tamolipada and Tila Ajmeri for the last few years. Those who used to carry stones in their hands are now going to work and children have books in their hands. This change was seen under the BJP government.

The families here are also getting the benefit of various welfare schemes. But, this could not become the basis of votes in the Lok Sabha elections. Neither the beneficiary card worked nor this peace could influence the minds of the voters here. SP gathered more than 500 votes at many booths here. Whereas BJP remained confined to 8, 3, 11. It could touch ten and hundreds only at some booths with mixed population.

Voting was held at four polling booths in Mantola area of ​​Agra reserved Lok Sabha constituency. SP kept gaining momentum with the help of PDA's pedal in more than a dozen Muslim dominated areas here. BSP was able to reach hundreds in some areas with mixed population.

bike rides a lot

People from mixed population areas voted in booth numbers 284 to 86 at Anwari Nilofer Girls Inter College. BSP got more votes here due to Jatav votes. But, as soon as booth 287 came, SP's cycle went far ahead. Here SP got 224 votes, while BJP got only 39 and BSP got 201 votes.

At the second polling centre Ahmadiya Hanifia Inter College, booth number 292, Muslims had less votes and Jatav community had more votes. Here BSP candidate Pooja Amrohi got 444 votes. Whereas BJP's Prof. SP Singh Baghel got 32 votes and SP's Suresh Chand Kardam got only 67 votes.

The number of Jats was more at booth number 293 as well. Therefore, the BSP candidate was ahead here. Booths number 294 to 299 had votes from Mantola settlements. There are more Muslim votes here. Therefore, the SP candidate got one-sided votes here. The BJP could get only 5 votes at booth 295, 3 at 298 and 11 at 299. The BSP candidate got just one vote at booth 299.

Voters of North Idgah Colony cast their votes in booth number 273 and 274 in Sagir Fatima Inter College Sadar Bhatti. Therefore, the BJP candidate was ahead here. Votes were cast from the settlements around Nala Mantola in booth number 275 to 278. Therefore, SP got one-sided votes here.

Anwari Nilofer Girls' Inter College

Booth Number, BSP, BJP, SP

284, 271, 46, 246

285, 235, 33, 135

286,366, 69, 98

287, 201, 39, 224

288, 87, 52, 373

Ahmadiya Hanifia Inter College

292, 444, 32, 67

293, 211, 40, 181

294, 3, 14, 514

295, 5, 9, 522

296, 28, 11, 516

297, 5, 10, 534

298, 5,3, 398

299, 1, 11, 359

Sagir Fatima Inter College Sadar Bhatti

273, 10, 217, 253

274, 6, 300, 142

275, 1, 13, 358

276, 2, 7, 468

278, 6, 8, 331

Sobia Inter College Mantola

279, 0, 109, 287

280, 1, 107, 252

281, 9, 163, 325

282, 1, 44, 461

283, 2, 182, 41

Muslims also rode bicycles in Shaheed Nagar

Voters of Muslim dominated areas Shahid Nagar, Pakka Sarai and Jyoti Nagar falling in Agra Cantonment Vidhansabha constituency voted at Gyan Bharti School. Here at booth number 288 BSP got 6, BJP got 11 and SP got 551 votes. Whereas at 289 BSP got 5, BJP got 11 and SP got 531 votes. At 290 BSP got 3, BJP got 18 and SP got 678 votes.