
Washington: Israel Iran War Former US President Donald Trump has given special advice to Israel after Iran's missile attack. Trump said that Israel should attack Iran's nuclear installations in response to Iran's attack. 

Biden asked the question again

Speaking at a campaign rally in North Carolina, the former president referred to a question asked to Joe Biden a few days earlier about the possibility of Israel targeting Iran's nuclear programme.

Are we waiting for a nuclear attack to happen: Trump

Trump asked Biden, 

Biden gave this answer

When Biden was asked on Wednesday if he would support an attack on Iranian nuclear sites, the US President said he did not have an answer.

Nuclear weapons are the biggest risk

Trump said that I think Biden is doing wrong. Biden should openly support an attack on nuclear weapons. Trump said that the biggest risk for us is nuclear weapons.

Biden should have given this answer

Trump said that when Biden was asked what he thought about this, his answer should have been to attack the nuclear weapon first and worry about the rest later.

All G7 countries support Israel

On Wednesday, Biden opposed such attacks against Iran's nuclear facilities in response to the firing of nearly 200 Iranian missiles toward Israel.

"We will discuss with the Israelis what they are going to do," Biden said, adding that all G7 members agreed that Israel "has the right to respond, but they should not launch a full-scale attack."

