
The habit of sleeping late at night and the pressure of waking up early in the morning, mental stress and work pressure are giving rise to disorders like hypertension, fatty liver and insomnia. Our carelessness regarding food along with a stressful lifestyle is also becoming a problem of insulin resistance at an early age. According to a study published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 15.5-46.6% adults across the world are suffering from the problem of insulin resistance.

This problem of insulin one day becomes the cause of diabetes type-2 . It even increases the possibility of heart attack. On the other hand, PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in women is also related to this, in which young women have to suffer due to hormonal imbalance. In such a situation, Dr. Naval Vikram of Medicine Department, AIIMS, Delhi is telling all the important things related to insulin resistance-

What is insulin resistance?

In insulin resistance, the body is unable to use the insulin hormone properly. The cells are unable to respond to the hormone. Glucose is unable to reach the cells from the blood easily. As long as the pancreas produces more insulin and releases sufficient amount of insulin, the blood sugar level remains within a normal range, but when the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient amount of insulin in the blood, the sugar level in the blood increases and it starts accumulating in the muscles and fat cells.


What is insulin?

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Everything we eat is broken down into glucose to produce energy in the body. Insulin helps glucose enter the muscles and liver in the bloodstream so they can use it for energy needed for their activities.

Can it cause a heart attack?

Insulin resistance can lead to rapid weight gain. This makes the condition worse. This can cause many problems in the body, such as it can increase triglyceride levels, arteries start hardening, hypertension becomes severe. All these can cause heart attack.

Know the symptoms

When our body starts to lose its ability to respond to insulin, the pancreas tries very hard to compensate for it. It starts giving some signals. For example, you will feel very thirsty, need to urinate frequently, energy levels will decrease, hunger, headaches, hallucinations or sometimes skin infections will occur. Sudden weight gain is also one of its main symptoms.

can prevent diabetes

It is true that if insulin resistance persists, it can cause diabetes, but if you take proper precautions in time, the opposite can also happen, that is, you can prevent diabetes. For this, keep these things in mind-

  • Change your habit of sitting for long periods of time immediately.
  • Practice walking instead of using a vehicle.
  • If you cannot exercise, do not forget to do stretching daily.
  • Simple carbs in food like bread, cake, sweet things provide the body with instant sugar, but complex carbs like oats, Srianna provide fiber-rich nutrition.
  • Fatty liver and obesity are factors that increase insulin resistance. To prevent this, take care of calorie management.
  • There should be no compromise on food and sleep in the daily routine.
  • You can cure insulin resistance to a large extent by changing your diet.
  • If you are not able to cure it by changing your diet then do not delay in consulting a doctor.

avoid these

  • White Bread
  • Potatoes or Starch Rich Foods
  • Too much sweets like beverages, cakes, cookies, etc.

Adopt these

  • Legumes, green vegetables
  • fruits like apples and berries
  • bran flour
  • Fish, meat and dairy products etc.

Inactivity is a big danger

Genetic reasons are also one of the major causes of insulin resistance, but in the past decades, irregularity or in other words, bad lifestyle has become a major cause. People work continuously sitting at home or in the workplace, and are not conscious about the intake of carbohydrates, fats etc. in their diet. Due to lack of exercise and lack of awareness about diet, the energy produced continuously in the muscles is not spent.

Due to this, fat keeps accumulating which leads to obesity. This leads to high blood pressure and increased cholesterol. Fatty liver and sleep related problems start setting in, i.e. a cycle is formed which can make you a victim of many life threatening and serious diseases in the future.