
Love Of Parents:  A lot is said and said about the upbringing of children. There is a lot of change in the way of parenting according to the country. In some places, parents pamper their children and in other places, it is considered better to keep the children under discipline. Indian parents love and cherish their children with a special kind of love. So in this article lets us know some strange ways for Indian parents to love their children.

spouse for children

Indian parents start thinking about their child's marriage as soon as it is born. Here, parents usually do the work of finding a life partner. That's why children also trust their parents. However, now there is a change in this and people have started preferring to find a partner of their own choice.

life lessons

Indian parents are involved in decisions ranging from children's careers to marriage. Most Indian children learn important lessons of life from their parents.

home remedies

Every house in India is full of home remedies and it is passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes a decoction is made in case of cold and sometimes turmeric milk is used in case of injury. Parents like to teach this knowledge to their children also.

help in studies

The most favorite work of Indian parents is teaching children. He prefers to teach children himself rather than using a tutor. Even the parents decide which subjects their children should study in the future.


Indian parents love to feed their children and they always try to feed their children as much as possible. If the child wants to eat only two rotis, then the mother tries to feed the child more by making bigger-sized rotis.

savings lesson

Every Indian parent definitely teaches the lesson of savings to their children. They give importance to money in their life and teach their children to do the same.
