
New Delhi. This study published in the BMC Public Health Journal describes the effects of drinking coffee (Coffee Health Benefits), which specifically mentions those people who are forced to sit in one place for hours due to work. This study conducted on American adults is considered very special in many ways and has come out as a good news for coffee lovers.

Study done on more than 10 thousand people

This study included more than 10,000 American adults who used to work for hours after drinking coffee. The study revealed that people who did not drink coffee were about 1.6 times more likely to die from all causes than those who drank it. On the other hand, people who spend most of the day sitting in one place and do not consume coffee have a 60 percent higher risk of death. The study showed that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of mortality in people who spend most of their time sitting in one place.

The risk of type 2 diabetes decreases

People like to consume coffee to keep their body active while working in one place for a long time. Studies have shown that its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties also reduce the risk of diseases caused by  unhealthy lifestyle .

2 cups of coffee a day not only improves your brain but also reduces the risk of mortality. It can be very beneficial especially for those who have little physical activity. Its consumption for a long time can also reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes .
